Sabrina,a girl who are so hyper active and likes to create jokes. I like to friend with her cause she seems to talk a lot. But, her topics are so interesting. We talked about boys and girls stuff. She's the last person whom I said hello when 1st day of school.
Dyla,she is like my sister to me. She is matured at the same time crazy like me and sab!! Haha. She is cool and I can say that she is great! =) She will pinch my face whenever I act blur. Thank god, her pinch is so hurtful. =) U go girl. We hanged out togather, wen 1st day.
Akid, my secondary sch fren and we meet again this year.I thought, he was a gangster but after knowing him, he is such a pampered friends. He wud asked dyla to spoonfood him. Aww, so pampered. His, a joker and always disturb dyla,me or sab. EEEyaya. But, we are closed lah. He wud asked everyone, whenever he saw one of us leaving. Haaha.
Ayid, the smart guy in our class. I remembered he was the one who likes to clap wen in lecture room wen 1st day of sch. Clap and clap and clap. Our first outing is going to makan at vivocity with dyla,sab and me. He was a great joker who like to take photo. He's a skater and I didn't realised that until, I saw his pics. =)
Hafizz,I thought he was sombong. We didnt talked nor smile. Im the one who found his friendster and starts to give him comment.Add him on msn and we talked next day. Hafizz, is cute and sometimes sacracstic. He playfool and sometimes he got mood swing. He will show us his sad face wen gg home. =) Y? hmm, i dont noe. =)
Nurdin, he is the olders studnet in my class. But, acted like small kids sometimes. He said, he saw me when registeration time and wen im buying my sch u. I dont noe. I cant remember. Anw, he is ok and likes to disturb sab,dyla and me. Sometimes he will act like big brother and advised us to study really hard, sometimes he acted the same way like us. He and his bike cant seperated. Because of his bike, Mus and Akid, wanted to ride with him. They seems so happy. Chet. He is quite caring lah towards his friends. =DD
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