Monday, July 16, 2007

Today! Lets talk about today!

1. I go to school with sabrina and meet dyla at the foyer at 1.55pm.
2. Stay up with dyla and sabrina and kutuk-mengutuk about the guys bringing their helmet around. LOL.
3. They went up, left me alone at the foyer. Need to wait for 2 hours before my test starts.
4. Nurdin approached me and kept maki2 that teacher and about the test. I tried my best to let him stay calm and cool. [benda da lepas biarlah, nie nak complain2. hehe]
5. Mus came followed by masagoes and sasee.
6. Went up and saw luqman and Julia and Rasyidah came.
7. Start the test and ends at 630pm
8. Took 198 and alight at Jurung entertainment centre to buy waffle and chocolate milkshake for my buke.
9. In bus 160, my mom called me and said that its time for me to buke. [she called me,3 minits late after the azan had began]
10. I reached home at 745pm and I was damn tired already.

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