Friday, July 27, 2007

Tralalala.. I'm happy lah seyy!! our group won the game and thankz to our group. We won the first game,2nd game,3rd game until the last game. There's a quiz on maths and guess what, we were the 1st group who finished first and we were soo happy to solve the maths qns. Tralala. =) Fast forward, we won again when challenge how far our paper plane tt we did. Our group and the other groups went to parade square to take up the challenge. With our ego face, we went out there and lots of kaypo ppl watching us. So, we start the challenge. When comes to our turn, luqman did he best and shoot the paper plane and wa lah! It flies really far to antartica! LOL. Great job. Thankz to ayid for making the paper plane really good! Heehe. My group members are, Sabby,Dyla, Ayid,Irwin,Julia,Raidah,Rasyidah,Luqman and ME!! Sowrie ehk to the other groups. Hehe. =)

TGIF!! Thankz god itz friday. I hate friday because I wont c my IT1a for two days! Wahh.. bored la seyy. IT1a, I will see u on Monday! Ure the best ever friend!! HEEHE. I'm really feel so blessed! Anw, brother had just bring back food and the food is TULANG. Tulang from beach road and i just finished eating it. Thankz bro,ure really sweetest brother ever. Tralla. I'm in a HAPPY MOOD! trallalalalala.. =)

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