Monday, February 18, 2008

Welcome the day with my pain foot because got blister all over it and terpakse wear slipper to school today. Damn. I just hate it to be inside the lift alone with somemone who kept smiling (evilly) and turn back to see me. I was like,what's wrong with these guy. Scary,ok.

What's up with me today? Am I in a good mood? I kept laughing all the way till I cried. I just can't stop laughing cause people surround me kept creating jokes with or without purposely. Jokes of the day,inside the lift,with the GF not with that guy. Hahaha. It started when Julia laughed,yeye orr nye budak kecik. =D Isymen. I did paid attention during Networking class but somehow I did day dreaming(like sabby) and do other things. And yeah. Cause we 3 girls get selected to go to the Cisco Centre this friday. Hopefully,it benefits us hor. =D MVB as usual,sitting beside Sabby with her PSP full of 30STM music clips,we can go crazy. While Dyla,Raida and Julia were busy playing games. I just love CHRISTOPHER LETTO,can? And hey,MVB I did pay attention to to the max. I just wish I can do the project smoothly. =D

Presentation is tml and I really dunnoe what to say. Arghh. Need to do lots and lots and lots of revision. Serious. I'll post the picture of yesterday,tomorrow!

Psst. Till now,I haven't yet eaten. Gonna grab my food later.

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