Monday, July 28, 2008

I can't describe my feelings and what mood I'm having now. Just wonder and wonder what's gonna happen next. I'm confused and I wish I can be like a bird,fly freedomly outside. Ouh I wished!

Just a simple question and you can't answer it. Thank You.
I thought you know me better now but it seems that you don't know me that well. Thank You.
How my reaction looked like? No. You don't know. Instead I'm the one been looking at your reactions.
You made me hoping for the best. And you also make my heart went shattered today. just a BIG THANK YOU.
If you think that relationship is by asking back the question and talking about breaking up,then you are wrong,MR. Definitely WRONG. Thank YOU.

Today,for the first time in my ITE life,I shed tears in front of my adore friends. I hold my tears back when I'm infront of you until you left me without saying goodbye to me and with your what-a-face. You didn't even reply goodbye to me when I said to you. Thank You.

I just hope I'm not your last person in your list. FYI,if you think everything you do is PRIVATE,why you have a gf? Who I am to you? Just a trunk or your gf? Think carefully,boy. I don't deserve this. I don't need a ______ in my life. Thank YOU.

Im so lucky to have my friends beside me just now. I shouldn't have doing something like that. I should be a really strong girl because I've promised myself not to cry for guy. But I'm such a loser. Thank You friends for being there and for lending me your listening ears to me. Having a friends is whole lot fun! =) I'm ok cause I still
have my family who loved me a lot. I miss my mother just now. =(

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