Everything has come to an end and yesterday was a black day for us. This is to show that we are bored working there and it's a way to say,BYE BYE. =) Black is a new colour for me as well. Well,please don't notice about my tudung cause if I were to wear black,I look like a witch plus,the sun is scorching hot. Fuh! Anw,the staff were looking at us very differently yesterday cause we wore the same colour;Black.
We slacked and Hafizz and I finished up the last emails at 10 plus before going down for a break. I'm so bored and every minute,I'll took some pictures of myself cause there's nothing for me to do except staring blankly at the PC.
After our lunch the 3 girls went to our usual spot and took some pictures. The last time that we gonna step onto that spot again.
Waiting for our logbook to be given back to us and as for the grades that we get,I will say nothing about it. As long as nomore working on Saturday that will be absolutely great. =) As you can see the road above,this is where me and my 2 other friends decided to shout as loudly as possible cause everything is over. He shouted,"Aku da graduate!!",she shouted,"Bodohnyer Creative!!" and I shouted,"Attachment da habis!!" Well,I don't know what to say cause my mind is blank. Yup,blank as I'm soo happy that everything is over! People infront were looking at us weirdly. I just don't care what they think of us. We are not ready to be in their working shoes yet.
But for sure,I'm gonna miss Sham the most. Although we (hafizz and I) seldom talked to him,but he somehow will make us laughed. How he sighed while doing his work and how he talked to his collegues. Sacarstic. But,hafizz and I loved his "mcm siak" word. Haha. Goodluck to you,Sham. =)
Ouh yeah,after our work,meet Sabby at our usual place and talked all the way till 945pm and we didn't even realised it. We talked about our work experienced. A normal things that girls always do when meetup.
What's my plan after this? Of course resting and sleeping. Slack at home and waited for my school result to be out and for my real ITE graduation day. =) Just can't wait to receive my HigherNitec Ceritficate and also the award. I just don't know when can I get the award.
There is the new begining for every ending. I'm not sure where to start. There's something missing in between. Think,I should cover up the space that is missing. Make it like a one whole. Make it a brand new but I don't know where to start.
...guys come and go as they wish. But do they go with a new purpose? Or still stuck with the old crimes in hand?...
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