I am trying very hard to survive.
Sometimes,I think,it's difficult to stay 'alive' when there's problems around you.
My weakest link is to cry over minor thing. Some stupid things. I don't mind to shed my tears cause,I get used to it already. I just can't handle problems. Too hard to handle.
Take a look at the date for today. It's weird and it's scary. But I'm glad today nothing bad happen to me and I'm safe and secure here,at my home. Tommorow,argh,don't want to comment about that. Thank you for the gift,Brenda. Valentines day cum Friends day. I love goodie bag and I love chocolates.
Haze is coming to town. It's really hard to breathe and I really need to bring my oxygen tank here. It's hot,humid and my lips are all dried up.
I'm jealous,cause people are still watching and reading the Twillight. I'm jealous,cause,I didn't get to watch in theather. Because of my stupidity! My bad,my mistakes. =( I want to cry again...
I'm done blogging. My life is bored. But Facebook is my current addiction. ;) I want to eat sotong,now.
..When the image of you appear,I cried....
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