First,you denied it. Second,you admit it. Well done! Your game is finally over. From the start,I knew it was HIM! Who else,I know,you people know. Don't say the word 'fitnah' if you did not know the meaning of the word. You accused me that I was blaming and suspected you,but in the end,you revealed your own idnetity. AT LAST.
How I wished,I can meet him and give him one tight slap on his fcuking cheeks? Just a wish but I couldn't cause,I hate to see or to meet him ever again. HATE HIM!! But,we had a little confrontation via smsed. Ikutkan hati,aku malas nk layan budak yng takder otak! But,due to know whether it's him or not,I FORCED,let me spelt it out for you,F.O.R.C.E.D myself to so-called entertained this confrontation.
I have the rights to feel angry after what you've done to me. So,why must you feel that you are the victimed here? The reasons for you doing that is because, I AM NOT A FORGIVEABLE person and I CALLED YOU COWARD?? Why must you be angry when you acted like one,C? OMG,what I called you is like fucking 3 months ago. The day where,my heart is completely broken. 3 months ago for goodness sakes. Why must you brought it up again? You are not matured enough to think.
Seeking for forgiveness? There you go again,sorry sorry and sorry. You made everyone including me a hard time. Using your beloved gf and her friend's names is damn wrong. Ouh well,it's easy to say SORRY. I had enough with your SORRY!
Stop saying that the old Linda is gone. I did not change. If you think I change, is all because of you. The one who suffering is me not YOU! I suffered more than you did. So there's nothing wrong for me to hate you. Only true friends can see the real me wheather I change or not. You don't have rights to judge me.
I kind of happy and relieve that everything is damn OVER. He has admitted what he had done. Phew! I really hope that,there's no nonsense from you ever again. You and me,we are done and over it! It's history! You don't have to bring the past back to my tagbox. I forgot how our stories looks like caused it's just vanished. I'm tired of handling the same old topics with the same person. Plus,you annoyed me ALOT!
I don't think I can forgive you now. You will tend to repeat it again. Don't worry,this is my last entry regarding YOU. Don't feel insulted cause what you've called me so far is worst than insulting.
My blog will be the same again. There's no need for me to change the URL or private the blog. This blog is open to everyone who are willing to read. Anyone can tag provided you use your REAL name. Including YOU.
Sabby said to me, Never let your guts down!
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